His Excellency the university manager issued the decision No. 354/502/412 dated 23/7/1991 to establish the scientific instruments maintenance center.

 Then his decision No. 7703/502 dated 8/10/1998 contained joining the center for scientific instruments maintenance to the general directorate of operation and maintenance.

  And lastly his decision No. 18241/G dated 19/12/2005 contained joining the center for scientific instruments maintenance to the educational services general directorate.


This center is related to the general supervisor of the educational services generals directorate, it

pays attention to the scientific and research instruments maintenance, keeping theffiir eciency,

presenting technical service, supporting the researchers and students in addition to running training

for the Saudi employees.

  •  Realizing the university mission and vision to be one of the international universities in all the educational, research and service fields.
  •  Raising level of services presented to classes and museums in terms of operation, maintenance and needs provision
  •  Providing good classes environment for the senate members and students including air-conditioning, lighting, furniture and supporting instruments.
  •  Preparing study about all the classes and museums, and to which extent the needs of each class, hall or museum.
  •  Establishing example classes meeting the university academic approval
  •  Supporting the senate members in using the most modern educational means in lectures.


Last Update
5/1/2016 12:43:46 PM