About the committee:
This committee is concerned with providing colleges with their need of chemicals, glass and hazardous materials needed for research, and this committee is formed by the general supervisor of the General Administration of Educational Services, its membership includes:
General Director of the General Administration for Educational Services (Chief).
The remaining members of the Committee shall be appointed by order of the General Supervisor of the General Department of Educational Services.
Committees Tasks:
Prepare rules and regulatory procedures for securing chemicals, glass and hazardous materials, and circulate forms for securing such objects to all sectors of the university.
Distributing the annual financial allocations to the colleges according to the criteria of distributing the annual financial allocations for the university faculties.
Follow-up on the implementing of rules and regulatory procedures to securing chemicals, glass and hazardous materials at the university, and propose amendments that may be necessary to these rules to achieve the best methods to simplify and standardize these procedures.
Meeting the needs of different colleges at the university according to priorities and coordinate between them.
Reviewing detailed specifications of forms prepared by the concerned faculties by members of the Standing Committee and its technical committees.
Setting a general framework for the policy of securing the needs of various objects.
Setting a general framework for the policy and ways of optimal use of these objects.
Coordinating and following-up with the departments and authorities that is of concern in the university in all that would facilitate the procedures and transactions to secure chemicals, glass and hazardous materials.
Last Update
10/9/2019 11:44:43 AM